Veterans Information Services
About the Company
The founders of VIS have over 30 years of collective experience in educating, pre-qualifying, and assisting veterans and their surviving spouses understand the complicated VA claim process. As such, they have provided educational seminars to both the general public and to professionals throughout the country.
Neither Veterans Information Services, Inc., or any of its staff, are affiliated with the Department of Veterans Affairs or any other government agency.
The Creators of VisPro
Karen McIntyre

Karen B. McIntyre, R.N., VA Accredited Agent is President and co-founder of Veterans Information Services, Inc. (VIS) and co-creator of VisPro®, a computer software program designed to assist attorneys and agents in filing VA and DoD claims. She is also founder of Veterans Nursing Consultants.
For nineteen years she has traveled the country educating professionals and families about the complicated VA process. She has addressed many professional audiences, including several state bars, NAELA, Suffolk University Law School, AAEPA, ASNP, National Academy of Certified Care Managers, legal aid organizations, and many more.
She currently manages a list-serve with over 400 professional members, answering their VA and DoD related questions daily and conducts in-depth webinars and CLE programs for professionals throughout the country. In addition, she publishes a monthly electronic newsletter, Veterans Family Matters.
Jay McIntyre
Jay McIntyre is Vice President and co-founder of VIS. Having spent 20 years in the corporate world and 10 years as a private business owner, he brings his business experiences to the company. Jay comes from a military family. His father spent his career in the Army, serving in both WWII and Korea, retiring as a Lt. Colonel after 20 years.
He has personal experience with the elderly and their care. His mother lived the last few years of her life with Alzheimer's, giving him first hand experience with what families go through in coping with that disease. With his wife Karen, also a co-founder of VIS, he has helped hundreds of Veterans and their widowed spouses understand and obtain VA benefits.