Veterans Information Services
Agent Accreditation Sample Exam
(also used by law firms as a training tool for staff)
This is a 100 multiple choice and true/false sample examination that contains questions related to:
representation before the VA
VA accreditation
fees for services
benefits eligible criteria
claims procedures
non-service-connected pension benefits
service-connected disability compensation
Nehmer claims
health benefits
Each question is linked to the correct answer, with many having explanations, and all having direct links to associated C.F.R., U.S.C., and M21 policy references.
The exam is very user friendly and tracks the number of correct answers, giving the user the total score at the end.
Neither Veterans Benefits University or its staff can guarantee that any of the sample exam's questions will be on the official VA accreditation exam nor can either guarantee the outcome of the official VA exam for any given person; however, this exam gives a good sample and variety of questions, making it an excellent study guide for prospective agents as well as for the staff of law firms.
The cost of the exam is $79.00 if purchased alone or $49.00 if purchased with another training or CLE program.
The exam can be downloaded onto the purchasing business's computers without restriction, provided that the computers are owned by the business.
To purchase this exam, please contact Jay McIntyre at 770-591-0260 or by e-mail at
All major credit cards are accepted.